Destruction of someone's existence
Dr. Frei:
"Denial of any guilt is very typical for suppressed pedophile tendencies, which requires a therapy"
Excerpt from Swiss weekly magazine "Weltwoche"
Issue 18/2009
Author: Alex Baur
Issue 18/2009
Author: Alex Baur
2004 primary school teacher Claudio Rossi got arrested for alleged sexual assault. After five years of investigation, he was fully acquitted. The damage which overenthusiastic victim sympathizers caused, remains irreparable.
In spring 2005 it is certain, that the allegations against Claudio Rossi were false. Yet the procedures of the justice system do not stop immediately. That exaggerated cases get dragged on longest, is well known. The justice officials try to move the uncomfortable case files and the responsibilities from department to department.
In July 2005 a investigating magistrate orders a psychological evaluation of the teacher. Although the renown forensic psychiatrist Andreas Frei warns about the "danger" of evaluating a suspect who's guilt has not yet been determined. Yet instead of refusing the task, the expert does exactly that what he warned, with a devastating judgment for the accused: Denial of any guilt is very typical for suppressed pedophile tendencies, which requires a therapy.
The Psychiatrist puts the accused teacher in a loose-loose situation: The more vigorously he defends himself, the more suspicious he is.
In July 2005 a investigating magistrate orders a psychological evaluation of the teacher. Although the renown forensic psychiatrist Andreas Frei warns about the "danger" of evaluating a suspect who's guilt has not yet been determined. Yet instead of refusing the task, the expert does exactly that what he warned, with a devastating judgment for the accused: Denial of any guilt is very typical for suppressed pedophile tendencies, which requires a therapy.
The Psychiatrist puts the accused teacher in a loose-loose situation: The more vigorously he defends himself, the more suspicious he is.